Do you know an add-on that works with PDF file viewers and opens PDF documents more quickly? — Reddit — Reddit Do you know an add-on that works with PDF file viewers and opens PDF documents more quickly? R/programming — Reddit This is a question I get a lot for the PDF viewer in Firefox. I use Firefox to view PDFs because I find that it opens much faster than Adobe Acrobat. If I need to edit a PDF I either go Adobe PDF or a different add-ons like Lightroom or How to access the edit mode in Mozilla Firefox? — Reddit Oct 13, 2024 — I use Firefox to view files that come in PDF forms and I like it because it is able to read them quickly. I like to edit them in the edit mode and I found the PDF viewer doesn't let me. How to access the edit mode in Mozilla Firefox? This is a question I get a lot for the PDF viewer in Firefox. I use Firefox to view files that come in PDF forms and I like it because it is able to read them quickly. I like to edit them in the edit mode and I found the PDF viewer doesn't let me.