Open-Xchange Viewer Pro.
Today we're going to do a quick run-through of PDF exchange editor it's the program we recommend for agents who are using a PC I've got it installed on this computer right now so if I try to open any PDF that's the program that it's going to open in I'm using the free version we highly recommend you get the pro version it's just over $40.00 and well worth the investment but I'm going to show you some of the things that you can do let's say for instance we need to change a price so I've got my strikeout tool and I can highlight just the price I want to strikeout if I'd like to put in a new price I can make my textbox perhaps we're going up in price and if this was already signed I might need cross over here so I've got somewhere to put my new initials so simple things like that very straightforward you can see the other shapes available up here including arrows which can very helpful now another thing that you can do is extract pages so for instance if I wanted to have this page in a new document I could go to extract pages I'd get this little pop-up screen until I want the current page and it'll open in a new document and there I've got a second tab with just this page on it it's still in the original PDF deleting pages from the original PDF is one of the pro features and actually if you right-click on any of these thumbnail images you can see some of the pro image Pro options down here including delete pages crop pages resize pages now moving pages around is very easy I just drag and drop and now...