You should save the result as a fillable PDF. Note: If you use an earlier version of Open-Xchange Editor, the Fillable PDF creation is different, and you do not need to follow the mentioned steps (only the Fillable PDF creation is mentioned here). Do let us know in the comment section if you have any question or suggestion! What is Adobe Photoshop? Photoshop provides a unique means for creating PDF or image that meets the user demand. Photoshop was founded by two college students with a vision of creating a digital imaging program for the purpose of producing artistic visualizations. A major goal of this company is to serve the needs of its business clients by bringing them quality products and services at a reasonable price. Adobe Photoshop was first introduced on February 27, 1983,, and it has since evolved into a well known software application that has sold tens of millions of copies on both Mac and Windows operating systems. It has been featured in more than 60 billion page views. This software is widely used in art, science, commercial, medical, architectural, and other artistic media. Photoshop has evolved through many enhancements and new features. Most importantly, the Photoshop application is extremely flexible and easily extensible by developers. Features of Photoshop has hundreds of features to offer its users: Photoshop is available for PCs, Macs, and all modern operating systems like Windows, Linux, iOS, Android and Chrome OS. Photoshop offers user-defined color palettes. You can edit individual image or set your own Photoshop brushes for any image you want. The original files and Photoshop files can be edited in any Photoshop document. A variety of Photoshop brushes can be used for image editing. Photoshop is also designed to handle high resolution images. Photoshop offers a sophisticated brush engine to create your own professional-quality images. Photoshop supports layered images, layered backgrounds and layer masks. Photoshop offers image filters that let you apply your own custom effects to images and even add text, buttons, or shapes. Photoshop is available for Free and Professional.