Personally I love that my Job has nothing which has creative side. There can be lot of creative things that people do, it can be applied to your work like trying to come up with creative solutions to fix something etc. But I am good at crafts and painting and decor. So since once I return from my job I do spend most of my time working on things that makes me happy. After going through this after years and years I feel as if this craving to do something inhances and the times goes by, I can't keep away from making things or paintings for a long time. After seeing my these hobbies many say that why are you stuck in an IT job where you can find out a way to earn through these things, but it feels more worthy after completing a detailed painting or working on a scene in my novel while straining my back after a long day in office. I think my job works as a complimentary part of my creativity. Because I can't do it in my work hours, I crave for it more while making time for it. sometimes only sometimes I get distracted from my work because of the ideas popping in my head suddenly, but that works fine. It works the same way as when people go away from you, you realize how much important it is to make time for them. Rutuja Yadav's answer to Would you share some of your own creative work with us?
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